Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Here we go! Vector  monster on the T-shirt Design

Friday, 30 March 2012

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Decided to upload a brochure I have designed for project at uni some time ago. "Kandinski's Retrospective at TATE modern."

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Latest street-art piece. Waterloo-graffiti-tunnel

Monday, 5 March 2012


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Однаджы я нарисовал это изображение, оно представляет лицевую сторону льва.
А затем решил вырезать из него трафарет.  Другим вечером я и мой приятель С. отправились на ночную вылазку в город, хотели преобразить одну стенку в районах восточного Лондона.
Изначальная идея была сделать трафарет на стене и не более, а по ходу дела все перерасло в спонтанное рисование всевозможных случайных линий и форм аэрозольной краской различных цветов... Прошло время и я совсем позабыл про трафарет и продолжал увлеченно раскрашивать кирпичную стенку. С. стоял рядом и мы о чем то шутили, как вдруг в один момент он сказал что видит как в нашу сторону  приблежается приблежается полицейский автомобиль.
В ту ночь и в последующий день мы провели в одиночных камерах местной полиции. 
Там же было изъято данное изображение... 
Painting from the autumn period of 2011.
( watercolours, colour-pencils ) 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Last from the past
Here is my last street-art piece I did for a friend who wanted to impress her boyfriend by showing this           portrait of him for the Valentines day.

Friday, 20 January 2012

More ideas for T-SHIRTS.
2012 January

Idea for a promotional sticker for my web-site which is still under-construction but soon will be launched to WWW. The tree was first hand-drawn and then manipulated in Adobe Photoshop.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Haven't experimented in such style for quite a long time. Thought to have it a go and that's what happened.
"dreams" 2012

Monday, 9 January 2012

This was my first attempt using Maya(Software for makign 3D Animation). I was really happy to be able to learn basics and hope to have it another go. It's fun!
This is one of the posters I have designed for an exhibition at Imperial War Museum which was called "The Children's War". This is not the real photo and the poster was montaged just to see how it would look like in situ.
The idea behind is was to have a photo of a child that is curious about what is happening around the time when the war takes its place and have questions written on the right hand side that the child is curious about. "Mummy Why I was taken away from my family" and the have the answer below the question and the other text such as: Get to know more my visiting the exhibition.

This is the final design for a poster I produced
which will promote our eco-friendly scooter concept.

"With its stylish and creative design and portable battery
you are sure to have splendid journey experience with ECOSCOOT.Foldable and easy to manuever through city traf!c, ECOSCOT is the perfect solution for the
environmentally friendly transport."

This is my experimentation for a logo design for an ecologically friendly scooter concept we are designing with other students in the group. I wanted to for something futuristic and tried to make it look as a button placing a tree sign in the middle. There were other examples but I personally found this one as the most successful one and decided to post it in the blog. 

Friday, 6 January 2012

I painted this forest for my friend's birthday a couple of weeks ago. I would like to paint more in such style as I think that it can really lead me to a more master level. I want to paint more real objects rather than abstract these days.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Some more geometrical experimentations I would to share. I found that the multiple shape cloning works well and can lead to some interesting forms.
Today I had a very relaxed day at home and decided to play around in Photoshop in order to design something geometrical and to be more correct something optically twisted. To produce this design I had read a tutorial about optical illusions that I found on the internet. I was pleased with the process and the final outcome as I'm now have an perfect idea on how to build an interesting
geometrical shapes with an optical spice.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


I love to eat chilly, especially during the cold weather times, it gives the hot flavour of southern countries and warms the body.
"Ink Pen"